Dolly Part-one is no more, so let’s try Dolly Part-two

Sounds awesome… “Jolene” by Dolly Parton played at 33rpm sounds like a man. I like it.


I have been asked a few times to repost the link to the Dolly Parton “Jolene at 33rpm” file. I have put a couple or three different formats in a Dropbox folder here for you all. It was done in a bit of a rush, so let me know if any issues.

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“I Wanna Get Better” by Bleachers

“While on the road with his band, Fun, Antonoff began working on a new project during his time in different cities. For about a year he kept the project a secret until February 17, 2014 where the first single “I Wanna Get Better” was released along with the launch of Bleachers’ website, social media profiles, and a selection of tour dates. News of Bleachers was first publicly announced in a Facebook post by Brooklyn music studio Mission Sound in May 2013.

About making the album, Antonoff said, “I spent the past year working on the music but not talking about it, and eventually it became this psychotic alter-ego situation, where it was second nature to have this part of me that no one knew about. Except for a small group of people, most of which happened to be members of my immediate family, no one was aware that this music, or this album even existed … even though it existed so deeply to me.” Antonoff also cited that Bleachers was never meant to be a departure from his position in Fun, and that he will remain in the band.

Bleacher’s full-length album is due in the spring of 2014 from RCA Records.” – Wiki